Marketing Campaign For Sprite

By: Adam St. Germaine

This is a student-concept for a Sheridan Pilon School of Business Digital Marketing Course

The Concept

The business I picked for the marketing campaign is sprite as they’re social media accounts and they’re online presence is stronger than Canada Dry Ginger Ale. The main concept behind my marketing campaign for sprite is to gain more brand loyal customers and raise the awareness of the brand. This campaign will be a giveaway, the social media platform this giveaway will be going on is Instagram and Twitter. In order to enter the giveaway, you will be required to like the post, follow sprites official Instagram page, tag 3 friends on the post that will be explaining the giveaway and repost the picture on your own Instagram page with the hashtag #SpriteGiveaway. After completing these steps, you will be entered in a draw to win a year of sprite.

Our Target Audience

Our main target audience is 16-30year old’s so teenagers and young adults because these are the people that drink the most pop. Choosing Instagram and Twitter as the platform fits out target Audience because most of the Instagram and Twitters users are this age so it works very well, this will be our social strategy.

Our goals and The Launch

Our goal we are looking to achieve from this giveaway campaign is to grow our brand loyal customers so we have many more customers who will be drinking sprite on a regular basis and increase our brand awareness so many more people can see our product and what were all about. We are planning to launch this a couple months before Christmas time and complete the giveaway in the start of December so lots of people are drinking sprite at Christmas with their families and drinking it in the new year.

The Campaign

This campaign will attract, acquire and engage with our audience because there going to be engaging by tagging 3 of there friends and reposting the picture on their own Instagram and Twitter page. It will attract our audience because that age group spends a lot of time on social media anyways and it will only take a couple minutes to enter the giveaway this is why I feel it will be so effective. Another reason why it will be so effective is if everyone is reposting the picture with that hashtag everyone posting it will have all of there followers seeing the picture and it will get many people to enter the giveaway.


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