Analyzing Canada Dry Ginger Ale’s Facebook Page vs Sprite’s Facebook Page

By: Adam St. Germaine

Post Frequency

Canada Dry Ginger Ale post frequency isn’t the best, they should be posting on their Facebook page much more as they only post around once a month or once every two months comparing to sprite this is good because sprite doesn’t post often at all their last post was in May 2017 and before this it was march 2017 then before this they were posting once every couple of months.

Page Content

The posts Canada Dry Ginger Ale mostly post about they’re new products and videos and images that promote the product, for example there most recent post is about they’re new “Relax Pack” and a couple posts before that they were posting about how Ginger Ale is great for relaxing by the pool in the summer time. Overall Canada Dry Ginger Ale’s Facebook page has 153,537 likes and Sprite has 22,898,088 likes on their pages. Sprites posts are typically pictures and videos about how you should use the product and how the product will help you for example they have a post where it says looking for the sign as the caption and in the picture, it says refresh.

Most Successful Post

Canada Dry’s most successful post has 871k views, 834 likes, 79 shares and 91 comments, this post is about their new product the “Relax Pack”. Sprites most successful post has 13k views, 59 likes, 4 shares and 4 comments this post is about how some girl name Jess is dealing with her envy. 


This is Canada Dry’s best Facebook post

This is Sprite’s best Facebook post

50/50 Rule

Canada Dry uses the 50/50 rule effectively as 50% of there posts are about the business and the products while the other 50% of there posts are about the community. Sprite does not use the 50/50 rule effectively.


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