Fan Pages, influencers, inbound links for both brands
To check the popularity and trend of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, I used the I have seen that the popularity of Coca-Cola among the people is higher then the Pepsi. coca cola is62 and the Pepsi is 57.6 but as comparing the trend Coca-Cola's trend is going downward or in negative and the Pepsi is in trending. It is in positive or going upward.

Result of Coca-Cola

Result of Pepsi

Fan page on Instagram 
Pepsi got a fan page on Instagram and got 1447 followers with 146 posts. On this page, people like, comment and share the products and services provided by the Pepsi. People can share their views on it. Coca-Cola also got different fan pages on Instagram with thousands of posts.

Fan pages help the companies to get the feedback and help them to get new ideas and make changes and improvement in their products. Sometimes negative comments also help them to improve their quality of the products and make their customers satisfied.


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