Coca-Cola and Pepsi on YouTube
Coca-Cola and Pepsi both are present on the YouTube and but least active on them. Coca-Cola has 4909 subscribers and Pepsi has 2091 subscribers. Coca-Cola has 80 videos on YouTube that include their different type of advertisements, new drinks, their anthem, promotions and most of them are of events or function’s video. The length of the videos is 3 minutes. On the other hand, Pepsi got only 5 videos on its YouTube page. The Pepsi videos are just for promotions and they are only ads. Their videos are of just 16 to 30 seconds.

Pepsi got 5 videos from which three of them are posted 2 weeks ago and other two were posted 9 months ago. The last video Pepsi® – The Bold Refreshing Cola got 2,108 views.


Coca-Cola got 80 videos from which 2 videos is posted 1 month ago. Coca-Cola post videos on monthly bases some time 2-3 videos in a month or some time 1 video in 2-3 months. The maximum views of the videos are Coca-Cola #MakeItHappy that is 499K.


The videos of Coca-Cola are all about the events, advertisements, and hockey and the majority of videos show the Coca-Cola happiness project. In the happiness project, coca cola tries to bring a smile on the face of common people. The team of coca cola tries to use different methods like a rose, phone booth surprise notes to bring a smile on the faces. These videos of happiness illustrate the success stories of their plan.




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