Blog Post #4 –Fan Pages, influencers, inbound links for both brands

Every industry got its fan page where people post their views, their ideas, comments to the others posts. They upload photos and videos that they like and share with the people. Mountain and Dr. pepper also got the fan pages like other soft drinks and other hot &cold beverages. Mountain is active on most of the social media channel so it got pages all over the social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube fan page etc. these pages are the public pages but run by a particular person.
On the other hand, dropper also got its fan pages on all of its social media channels. It got fan pages on YouTube and Facebook but there is no such fan page on Twitter as it can be said that dry pepper is less active on that or the followers might be less active on the twitter.

Fan pages help the companies to get the feedback and help them to get new ideas and make changes and improvement in their products. Mountain dew got a lot of fan pages on social media that provide them a bunch of feedback that helps the mountain dew to bring new products to the market and get to know about the taste and preferences of the customers or consumers. Sometimes negative comments also help them to improve their quality of the products and make their customers satisfied.


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